First First Pours (Three)

Launching a brewery is tough. So why not enjoy it? That’s the thought we had so we decided to have three ‘first’ pour events around London, on consecutive nights.

Starting off in the infamous Rake Bar, Borough Market, on Wednesday Night. A fantastic turn out from friends, families, industry peers and local enthusiasts. Initial nerves where settled as rave reviews where heard, and the beer was all sold out. Massive thanks to Gabby and the team there for hosting us.

We were then well welcomed into Gipsy Hill’s Douglas Fir bar, if not a little worse to wear from the previous night. Both J.T and Joe have a connection with Gipsy Hill Brewery, and it was great to see them and all their staff come and support their next moves in the Craft game. Thanks to everyone who came, and again, drank and enjoyed all the beer! If you haven’t been to their bar and tap rooms, when in the SE19 area try to make a stop.

Although we was keen to enjoy the launch, we hadn’t thought it through as well as we should have. After a full day packaging and brewing, two of the three managed to make it to Shoreditch Brewdog. Again, a fantastic turnout and great to see some old industry faces too out to support us.

Shifty shifted, Lipsmack was loved. All in all it was three fantastic nights. Thank you to everyone that came to support us, drank our beers and settled our nerves starting such a venture.

To play host to a new brewery before tasting any beers is a leap of faith for all of the venues. It was hugely appreciated and wont be forgotten!

Big Love!

William Skipsey